/ 《隱形的紀念》The hidden memories

五月天阿信 Mayday Ashin、明和電機 Maywa Denki


—— 本篇文章為《小花計畫2022-Re:小花盛開的回音》作品介紹 ——

The hidden memories

阿信 X 明和電機
Ashin X Maywa Denki


Two-channel video installation, the hidden memories, is co-created by singer-songwriter Ashin and Maywa Denki from Japan Ashin reinterprets the idea that the happiness of loving and guarding someone might have an expiration date; but when rememberance becomes invisible and submerged in time, one should never forget the beauty and experiences gained along the journey. Extracting the essential imagery from Ashin’s interpretation of the song, Maywa Denki translates the passing time loaded with emotions and feelings into the mood for reading, creating a set of new wooden instrument-books, entitled BUNKOGAKKI, to be used in composing fresh melodies and respond to Ashin’s music.


Displayed on the table and bookshelf are newly developed instruments in the form of books; they include wooden block, ocarina, kalimba, toy piano and ukulele. The seven musical books constitute an experience that engages the sense of hearing and visual exploration while revealing an alternative sense of humor. Maywa Denki calls these unique musical instruments “nonsense machines,” For this reason, they specially put the names of the musical instruments on the book spines, for example “Kalimba”, as if it is a pocket book regarding to the knowledge of kalimba. When playing the “kalimba,” its sounds conjure up African scenes in our mind. BUNKOGAKKI is a project that aims to create musical instruments to collect sonic memories from around the world. The series will become a set of sonic encyclopedia when it reaches BUNKOGAKKI Vol. 100. When Maywa Denki’s passion for machines and artisan spirit for handcrafted objects meet the fresh music interpretation by rock'n'roll poet Ashin, people’s feelings and imagination for machines will be awakened.

※ 展場注意事項:牆面上書籍及展台文庫樂器(即影片中社長演奏樂器),請單純觀賞勿動手觸摸。

文字提供:台北當代藝術館 Provided by MoCA Taipei

《隱形的紀念》The hidden memories
時間 Time|5分19秒 5min19sec
媒材 Medium|雙頻道錄像裝置Two-Channel Video Installation
尺寸 Size|尺寸因空間而異Dimensions Variable
年份 Year|2019

時間 Time|5分19秒 5min19sec
媒材 Medium|木、金屬、合成樹脂 Wood, Metal, Synthetic Resin
尺寸 Size|14.8公分x10.5公分x3公分,七件二組 14.8cmx10.5cmx3 cm,2 sets & 7 pieces per set
年份 Year|2019


音樂製作團隊 Music Production
改編詞 Sub Author|易家揚 Kevin Yi
詞曲 Lyrics & Composer|Toshiko Ezaki(OT : SORE ZORE NI)
演唱 Artist|阿信 Ashin
製作 Producer|阿信 Ashin、士杰 Jay
製作協力 Co-Production|誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)
編曲 Arranger|于京延 Agwen Yu、賴暐哲 Steven Lai、誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)
木吉他 Acoustic Guitar|誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)、賴暐哲 Steven Lai
木吉他錄音 Acoustic Guitar Recording|邱建鈞 @ 玩痛錄音室
電吉他 Electric Guitar|誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)、樂冰 Robin(ZANI)
打擊樂器 Percussion|誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)
合音編寫 Backing Vocal Arrangement|張勝凱 Cola Kai、誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)
合音 Backing Vocals|羅西Roxi(ZANI)、鄒謦蓬+士杰 Jay
混音Mixing|誠誠 ChaCha(ZANI)@ +x studio
製作助理Production Assistant|江昆餘、詹宏業

藝術裝置創作團隊 Artworks Installation Team
藝術創作 Artworks|明和電機 Maywa Denki
偕同策展人Co-Curator|鄺佳玲 Joel Kwong
影像監製 Image Producer|8ID Studio、ONE.1O Society

阿信 X 明和電機,《隱形的紀念》,2019年,雙頻道錄像裝置,5分19秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:永添藝術。 Ashin X Maywa Denki. the hidden memories. 2019. Two-Ch annel Video Installation. 5 min. 19 sec. Exhibition View at ALI EN Art Centre. Photo: ALIEN Art.

阿信 X 明和電機,《隱形的紀念》,2019年,雙頻道錄像裝置,5分19秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:永添藝術。 Ashin X Maywa Denki. the hidden memories. 2019. Two-Ch annel Video Installation. 5 min. 19 sec. Exhibition View at ALI EN Art Centre. Photo: ALIEN Art.