/ Letters to Comrades

Yungtien Shao



"This is what I believe: to concentrate on matters or ideas that are both constant and transcendent will allow you to experience reality on the deepest level, and in the end, it will bring joy to others. To have lost oneself in a spiritual reckoning is a prerequisite for determining the existential truths of everything around us. A life lived in such a way will leave indelible marks—it will be a life well-lived," noted by Yaman Shao, the book is considered as a bible for those who is striking for establishing his/her beloved vocation, enclosed with the entrepreneur Mr. Yungtien Shao's true stories for realising YUIMOM Group.

The book is another masterpiece accomplished by Mr. Yuntien Shao after publishing Wild Child and Speak Straightforwardly. By transforming his extraordinary life experience into words, Shao shares the wisdom introspectively, also for breaking through challenges of life, giving back to the society, in the meanwhile, bringing up the next generation.

《Letters to Comrades》
Yungtien Shao
NT$ 1,899

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  • Author
    Yungtien Shao

    Yaman Shao

    Concept and graphic design
    ALIEN Art

    Special thanks to
    Lady M, Taiwan, Paula Ko, Vivien Liu

    This book is published to mark the exhibition ENCOUNTERING SERENITY IN THE MIDST OF MADNESS
    ALIEN Art Centre, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2020-2021

    Published by
    15-1F, No. 111, Jianguo 3rd Road, Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan
    T: +886-7-287-6789
    F: +886-7-287-5678

    ISBN 978-986-98584-1-0 (Hardcover)
    Price TWD 1899

    All reproduction and translation rights reserved for all countries
    © Yungtien Shao
    © Yaman Shao
    © 2020 ALIEN Art, YUIMOM Group

    For collection, please contact +886-7-9721685 #6212 / info@alien.com.tw.
    Or find ALIEN Art Centre (Kaohsiung), Silks Club (Kaohsiung)、The Ukai Taipei (Taipei) for more information.

    Yungtien Shao, LETTERS TO COMRADES, Kaohsiung: ALIEN Art, 2020.

    Yungtien Shao, LETTERS TO COMRADES, Kaohsiung: ALIEN Art, 2020.

    Yungtien Shao, LETTERS TO COMRADES, Kaohsiung: ALIEN Art, 2020.

    Yungtien Shao, LETTERS TO COMRADES, Kaohsiung: ALIEN Art, 2020.

    Yungtien Shao, LETTERS TO COMRADES, Kaohsiung: ALIEN Art, 2020.