本展《預演未來》選擇從對於自我理想境界的關注,擴大對當代議題的共感,以預演近未來家居生活場景的方式,帶領觀者演練看似未來的生活景象,其實更關乎當下的生存現實。現代家庭居所(domestic space)從歷史地表浮現,無疑是人類透過科技的力量改造自然,成為一個被馴服的環境(domesticated environment)。而疫病的爆發,不僅迫使我們再次審視人與自然共生關係之中存在的矛盾,也加速了科技融入日常生活的進程。在今日高度發達的社會,高科技無塵無菌家庭已然成為理想家居環境的典範,作為人們欲求的私有領域,儼然是免於生存危機的庇護所。本展設計基調投射家居空間的想像,引領觀眾身歷其境,在我們認為家的安全庇護中,反思隱藏其中的危機意識。
aaajiao、周育正(CHOU Yu-Cheng)、傑克·艾維斯(Jake ELWES)、尼羅·柯廷(Nile KOETTING)、劉玗(LIU Yu)、陸揚(LU Yang)、凱爾·麥克唐納(Kyle MCDONALD)、安娜·普瓦茨基(Ana PRVAČKI)、吳權倫(WU Chuan-Lun)、張哲熙(Gary Zhexi ZHANG)
策劃|永添藝術 ALIEN Art
展出時間|2021.11.20 - 2022.05.29
主辦單位|永添藝術 ‧ 金馬賓館當代美術館 ALIEN Art Centre
多媒體設備贊助|洪建全基金會、台灣松下電器 Panasonic
推廣協力 | 晶英國際行館、THE UKAI TAIPEI、Ukai-tei Kaohsiung、Room by Le Kief
Rehearsing The Future © ALIEN Art Centre
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm (edu+) , 2019, Installation "Anticorps", Palais de Tokyo, France, 2020 Photo: Fabienne Ehrler
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm, 2019, Installation Centre Pompidou x West Bund Museum, Shanghai
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm, 2021, Installation "trust & confusion", Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong, photo: Kwan Sheung chi
aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020, Game, Dimension variable, Made possible with the collaboration of Ag, XuCong, nara, Oxi pëng and WLL
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015, Petrochemical objects, sea sand, Lambda print, Diasec (acrylic, aluminum frame), Installation size
Partial close-up of Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015
Partial close-up of Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015
Partial close-up of Chou Yu-Cheng, Refresh, Sacrifice, New Hygiene, Rag, Canvas, Chou Yu-Cheng, Dining table, Wiping, Everyday, Ink Rhyme, Image, Album, 2020 Courtesy the Artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery
Chou Yu-Cheng, Refresh, Sacrifice, New Hygiene, Rag, Canvas, Chou Yu-Cheng, Dining table, Wiping, Everyday, Ink Rhyme, Image, Album, 2020, Painting, chopstick, file clip, 150×240×3 cm, 7×7×260 cm ×8 pcs, 68×54×2 cm Courtesy the Artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery
Site view of Liu Yu, If Narratives Become the Great Flood, 2020, Courtesy the Hong Foundation
Liu Yu, If Narratives Become the Great Flood, 2020, Video installation, Dimension variable, Courtesy the Hong Foundation
Gary Zhexi Zhang, Parasite, 2018, Single-channel digital video, color, 9'58"
Partial close-up of Gary Zhexi Zhang, Parasite, 2018
Jake Elwes, Dada Da Ta, 2016, Single-channel digital video, color, 20 minutes loop
Partial close-up of Jake Elwes, Dada Da Ta, 2016
Jake Elwes & Me the Drag Queen, Zizi & Me-Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better), 2020, Single-channel 4K digital video with sound, color, 4'55"
Kyle McDonald, Facework, 2021, Webgame, Dimension variable
Ana Prvački, Mouthful (masked duet), 2021, Customized mask, single-channel video, color, Dimension variable
Lu Yang, The Great Adventure of Material World (Game Film), 2019, Single-channel digital video, color, 25'32"
Scene of Lu Yang, The Great Adventure of Material World (Game Film), 2019
Lu Yang, DOKU_Hello World, 2021, Single-channel digital video, color, 3'26" Music: P*Light, Dance motion capture data: kEnkEn, Facial captured by FACEGOOD, Facial motion capture data: Dewa Putu Selamat Raharja, Tattoo by OSHIMA TAKU, Special thanks to: BMW Art Journey
Exhibition view of Mouthful (masked duet). Photo: ALIEN Art.
Exhibition view of “Rehearsing the Future.” Photo: ALIEN Art.
Exhibition viwe of Deep Simulator. Photo: ALIEN Art.
Rehearsing The Future © ALIEN Art Centre
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm (edu+) , 2019, Installation "Anticorps", Palais de Tokyo, France, 2020 Photo: Fabienne Ehrler
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm, 2019, Installation Centre Pompidou x West Bund Museum, Shanghai
Nile Koetting, Remain Calm, 2021, Installation "trust & confusion", Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong, photo: Kwan Sheung chi
aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020, Game, Dimension variable, Made possible with the collaboration of Ag, XuCong, nara, Oxi pëng and WLL
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Game scene of aaajiao, Deep Simulator, 2020
Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015, Petrochemical objects, sea sand, Lambda print, Diasec (acrylic, aluminum frame), Installation size
Partial close-up of Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015
Partial close-up of Wu Chuan-Lun, Coast Mining—Digital Weathering X, Y, W, Q, I, O, H, 2014-2015
Partial close-up of Chou Yu-Cheng, Refresh, Sacrifice, New Hygiene, Rag, Canvas, Chou Yu-Cheng, Dining table, Wiping, Everyday, Ink Rhyme, Image, Album, 2020 Courtesy the Artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery
Chou Yu-Cheng, Refresh, Sacrifice, New Hygiene, Rag, Canvas, Chou Yu-Cheng, Dining table, Wiping, Everyday, Ink Rhyme, Image, Album, 2020, Painting, chopstick, file clip, 150×240×3 cm, 7×7×260 cm ×8 pcs, 68×54×2 cm Courtesy the Artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery
Site view of Liu Yu, If Narratives Become the Great Flood, 2020, Courtesy the Hong Foundation
Liu Yu, If Narratives Become the Great Flood, 2020, Video installation, Dimension variable, Courtesy the Hong Foundation
Gary Zhexi Zhang, Parasite, 2018, Single-channel digital video, color, 9'58"
Partial close-up of Gary Zhexi Zhang, Parasite, 2018
Jake Elwes, Dada Da Ta, 2016, Single-channel digital video, color, 20 minutes loop
Partial close-up of Jake Elwes, Dada Da Ta, 2016
Jake Elwes & Me the Drag Queen, Zizi & Me-Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better), 2020, Single-channel 4K digital video with sound, color, 4'55"
Kyle McDonald, Facework, 2021, Webgame, Dimension variable
Ana Prvački, Mouthful (masked duet), 2021, Customized mask, single-channel video, color, Dimension variable
Lu Yang, The Great Adventure of Material World (Game Film), 2019, Single-channel digital video, color, 25'32"
Scene of Lu Yang, The Great Adventure of Material World (Game Film), 2019
Lu Yang, DOKU_Hello World, 2021, Single-channel digital video, color, 3'26" Music: P*Light, Dance motion capture data: kEnkEn, Facial captured by FACEGOOD, Facial motion capture data: Dewa Putu Selamat Raharja, Tattoo by OSHIMA TAKU, Special thanks to: BMW Art Journey
Exhibition view of Mouthful (masked duet). Photo: ALIEN Art.
Exhibition view of “Rehearsing the Future.” Photo: ALIEN Art.
Exhibition viwe of Deep Simulator. Photo: ALIEN Art.